Dealing with Anxiety

Nitrous oxide (‘Laughing Gas’)
For children who need help with reducing anxiety or undergoing longer appointments, nitrous oxide is a safe and easy to administer solution. Nitrous oxide can also help children reduce their gag reflex, in turn making it easier for them to tolerate dental instruments in their mouths. A few other benefits achieved through the use of nitrous oxide are: a reduction of untoward movement and it can help to decrease pain and sensitivity.

Patients remain completely conscious when under the treatment of nitrous oxide. They are able to fully respond to questions and react to stimuli. Eating prior to treatment with nitrous oxide is fine, but it is recommended to avoid heavy meals at least 2 hours prior due to nausea being a side effect that occurs in 0.5 percent of patients.
At the end of every visit with nitrous oxide, 100% oxygen is administered for 5 minutes in order to completely flush the body of the gas. The child will leave his or her appointment completely free of nitrous oxide and its effects.

Intravenous Sedation
IV Sedation is recommended for apprehensive children, very young children, and children with special needs that would not work well under other sedation forms. The dentist performs the dental treatment in our office with the child anesthetized under IV sedation, which is administered and monitored by a pediatric anesthesiologist.
We use a very specialized group of pediatric anesthesiologists that come into our office to perform the procedure. Please feel free to go to their website to learn more about them: